jueves, 17 de enero de 2019

Imágenes promocionales de juegos de PSX (1)

Entre mucho material que tengo perdido por el disco duro, como sdks de psx y cosas de releases,
algunas son imágenes de juegos, que no siempre acababan siendo iguales a la versión final.
Son mas de 600 carpetas, así que pondré de juegos que más conozco.
Al final pondre una lista en pastebin o algo, si es que hay interés en más juegos.

Battle Arena Toshinden 3

Beyond the Beyond Preview

Biohazard 2

Con esta "info" :

Publisher   : CapCom
Developer   : In-house
Type        : 3D Action Adventure
Release Date: Dec. '96

The horror continues....... the sequel to Capcom's famous survival horror
game will be released in December. And forget about what you have heard
earlier about a Saturn Bio Hazard 2. Capcom has no plans of releasing it
on any other system other than PlayStation.


Circa July 25. The members of S.T.A.R.S. reportedly missing have now returned
safely. From their testimony, investigators have found that the building in
the deep forest was a laboratory experimenting and manufacturing biological
weapons. Based on the studies of the chemistry team, it has been revealed
that the giant medical corporation "Umbrella" has been performing the biolo-
gical experiments. The top executives of Umbrella were immediately arrested,
and the company was shut down completely. Now called "The Umbrella Incident",
media around the world has made aware their biological experiments and cons-
piracies of terrorism. While this was occuring, another fearful incident was
already starting... The peaceful Racoon City is showing signs of abnormality
once again. It all started with a small skin disease. The citizens demanded
an investigation, as they suspect the skin disease may be related to the
Umbrella incident. But the government assured them that the case was closed
and the skin disease was just an unrelated incident. But this skin disease
has infected the whole city with tremendous speed. The peoples' entire bodies
become sore, then immediately their speech, sight, and movement functions are
damaged. Within a few days after the attack of the disease, hundreds of lives
are lost, and the place has become a death city. Then they all arise from the
dead and a new nightmare has begun. Attacking the few survivors, these dead
men walking devour them! Those attacked now also arise as they join the rest,
leaving the city completely disfunctial. This story will start off at the
Lacoon Police Department. In search of a way to escape the horror, the des-
perate survival begins!!!


Leon Scott Kennedy has just finished full training and now is a rookie cop.
He is to report to the Racoon Police Department, as he gets involved into this
horrific incident. Will his training cover up the inexperience?

Elza Walker, 19, female. She tours around the country joining motorcycle races.
As she receives word that she is accepted for the Racoon University, she heads
off with her bike not knowing whats about to face her. She is very calm in any
situation, and takes courageous actions(?) as she passes through the city full
of zombies.

In Resident Evil 2, their costume change will affect the character status and
the items which they can hold. Now, both weapons and costumes are an important
factor in the game. Few hand guns and a shotgun are already prepared for wea-
pons to be used, but specific models of the guns are still under plans. Leon,
at start, only wears light clothing and has a shoulder holster with his gun.
He can later on acquire a police uniform and bullet proof vest. As for Elza,
she wears a bike-racer suit in the beginning, but she also will acquire bul-
let proof vest and gun belt. The characters from the prequel are reported to
be in a nearby hospital, but there is a possible chance that they may reappear
in the story.


Elza reaches the police department as she managed to evade the zombies on the
streets. But what she saw was the entrance gate about to be crushed down as
the policeman zombies are squeezing in. Leon is inside the office as he waits
for rescue teams. As his comrades become zombies with time passing by, increa-
sing the danger of his life, he decides to find a route to escape. To serve
and protect, these police officers now have turned into zombies, and both Leon
and Elza are now their bait...

The game starts off inside the police department--the main entrance, room,
halls, lobby and the morgue--now are all battle fields. Compared to the pre-
quel, there are far more zombies attacking you at the same time, as they come
from all directions. The player will now need to be more decisive as to find
the quickest route to escape. There are going to be different kinds of police-
man zombies, as there are tough ones, there are those fat ones.....can you
survive the horrors once again?

Resident Evil 2...coming soon! Better keep your eyes open while you sleep.....

Breath of Fire 3



Crash Bandicoot Preview

Destruction Derby 2

Dracula X

Fun Facts About Dracula X: Symphony of the Night (and New Pictures!)
Konami of Japan has just released a bunch of new details about the first 32-
bit Castlevania, unfortunately included in these is a new release date of
"Spring of '97."

Dracula X: Symphony of the Night (as it will be called in Japan), is the
direct sequel to Dracula X for the PC Engine (Dracula XX for the Super Fami-
com). In the beginning of the game you play as Richter, fighting Dracula in
the two forms in which he appeared as final boss in the original Dracula X/XX.
Five years after this battle the true game begins.

The main hero is now Alucard, Dracula's son, who fights with a variety of
swords (but no whips). There's been no word if Richter or Marie (another main
character from Dracula X/XX) will be playable, but Richter's sprite is in the
game, so you never can tell.

Dracula X has a few RPG aspects, such as weapon/armor equip screens, and has
many elements from Simon's Quest, such as free-roaming world traveling and fre-
quently returning to areas you've already visited.

On a side note, last month was the 10th anniversary of Castlevania, and it's
kind of sad Konami didn't do anything...

Dracula X: Night Symphony Beneath the Moon

Publisher: Konami
Developer: In-house
Type     : Action
Release  : Dec 96

Konami is finally showing more screenshots of Dracula X: Night Symphony
Beneath the Moon (It sounds WAY cooler in Japanese!) and has revealed some
game details. It appears that there are three player characters, all from
a previous Dracula: (Castlevania) Richter Belmont from the first two Dracula
X games, Maria Larnedd from the original Dracula X, and from Akumajo Densetsu
(Castlevania III), Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes, also known as Alucard... the son
of Dracula

This Dracula has more of an RPG/exploration feel like Dracula II. The weapons
in Dracula X will range from the familiar whip to swords, dirks and rods. You
will also be able to defend with shields and mantles. DX:NSUTM comes out in
Japan in December. 

Final Fantasy 7

Próximamente más imagenes promocionales, ¡que lleva un rato subir esto!

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